2025 Derby Prize Qualification
Thank you to John Iverson for making our Kid’s Division and Catch & Release Division trophies for our 27th annual ice fishing derby!
- Each week of the derby will have a specific fish category, one winner for the Weigh-In Derby and one for the Catch & Release Derby
- Whoever catches and brings in the largest fish in the category during the week (this fish must be caught during the designated week to qualify) will win a prize
- Whoever sends in a fish with the best combination of ethical handling, photo quality, and length to twfishderby@gmail.com or Messenger during the week (this fish must be caught during the designated week to qualify) will win a prize.
Week 1- Rainbow Trout (Sat. Feb, 1-Sat. Feb. 8)
Week 2- Kokanee (Sun. Feb. 9-Sat. Feb. 15) *store is closed for Super Bowl, 2/9 (please bring in fish Monday)
Week 3- Grayling (Sun. Feb. 16-Sat. Feb. 22)
Week 4- Dolly Varden (Sun. Feb. 23-Fri. Feb. 28)
- First Place prizes will be awarded to the largest fish in each of the following categories: Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden / Arctic Char, Grayling, Lake Trout, Landlocked Salmon / Kokanee, Burbot, and Whitefish
- Royal Flush Division Qualification: Must catch & enter one of each of the first-place division species. The winner will be chosen by a total weight of the largest fish of each species entered, but every angler who completes a Royal Flush will receive a certificate of completion. **Back again! Royal Flush entries can come from the Weigh-In and Catch & Release derbies! Any fish submitted through catch and release will be estimated by Scott or Brian for the total weight.
- The Straight Flush is back! Any angler who completes a Straight Flush will receive a certificate of completion. Straight Flush Division Qualification: Must catch & enter one of each of the following: Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden/Arctic Char, Lake Trout, Landlocked Salmon / Kokanee, and Grayling. Burbot and/or Whitefish if entered may be used to sub for one of the above. Substitutions may only be made once per type of fish. Open to both Weigh-In and Catch & Release derbies!
- Kids and Minnows can also complete a Straight or Royal Flush! However they do have their own Grand Slam, see below.
Kids Division (Ages 12 & under)
- First Place prizes will be awarded to the largest fish in each of the following species: Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden/Arctic Char, Lake Trout, Grayling, Landlocked Salmon / Kokanee (Burbot and/or Whitefish if entered)
- Grand Slam (Kids & Minnows) Division Qualification: Catch & enter one of the following: Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden / Arctic Char, Lake Trout, and Landlocked Salmon / Kokanee. All Grand Slam qualifiers will receive prizes! One of the above may be substituted for a Burbot, Grayling, or Whitefish. Substitutions may only be made once per type of fish. **New this year, Grand Slam entries can come from the Weigh-in and Catch & Release derbies! Any fish submitted through catch and release will be estimated by Scott or Brian for the total weight. Fish must all be entered in the same derby to qualify.
Minnow Division (Ages 6 & under)
- All Minnow division 6yrs & under will receive a prize when they bring in fish, chosen from the treasure chest!
- 1St -10th place largest fish will be awarded (One entry per species per Minnow will be awarded)
- Grand Slam (Kids & Minnows) Division Qualification: Catch & enter one of the following: Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden / Arctic Char, Lake Trout, and Landlocked Salmon / Kokanee. All Grand Slam qualifiers will receive prizes! Fish must all be entered in the same derby to qualify.
- Minnows’ fish can also enter Kid’s Division, if applicable
- Winners will be determined first and foremost by ethical handling and release practices, followed by photo quality. Length will only be a secondary factor in determining winning fish this year. We are still looking for big fish, however fish that have been handled well and have a great photo will be prioritized over a larger fish with poor handling.
- First Place prizes will be awarded to the largest fish that SHOWCASES the best ethical release handling as well as best photo of the fish in each of the following categories: Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden / Arctic Char, Grayling, Lake Trout, Landlocked Salmon / Kokanee, Burbot, and Whitefish.
- Royal Flush Division Qualification: Must catch & enter one of each of the first-place division species. The winner will be chosen by a total weight of the largest fish of each species entered. Each participant that completes a Royal Flush will receive a certificate of completion**Back again! Royal Flush entries can come from the Weigh-In and Catch & Release derbies! Any fish submitted through catch and release will be estimated by Scott or Brian for the total weight. Fish must all be entered in the same derby to qualify.
- The Straight Flush is back! Any angler who completes a Straight Flush will receive a certificate of completion. Straight Flush Division Qualification: Must catch & enter one of each of the following: Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden/Arctic Char, Lake Trout, Landlocked Salmon / Kokanee, and Grayling. Burbot and/or Whitefish if entered may be used to sub for one of the above. Substitutions may only be made once per type of fish. Open to both Weigh-In and Catch & Release derbies! Fish must all be entered in the same derby to qualify.
- Check out Catch & Release page for more information
Peripheral Prizes
- First Fish of the derby will receive a $25 gift card!
- 100th and 200th fish if reached will receive a $25 gift card!
- Prettiest fish is awarded to a Kid or Minnow fish that didn’t win a division but was voted by TW as the prettiest!
- Toughest Fish is awarded to a Kid or Minnow fish that didn’t win a division but was voted by TW as the toughest!
Award Ceremony 2025
- Awards Ceremony this year is set for Saturday, March 8th at 5pm.